Sources to consult
A virtual library for regular updates
This section includes a selection of legislative and study materials, which are useful for learning about the financial market and which are useful for always staying informed about issues relating to corporate governance.
AIEDA provides updated materials, available to view directly and to download.
If you cannot find a document that you are looking for or want to inform us about useful materials, please write to us at [email protected].
Legislation and Studies
- The Consolidated Finance Act (updated in January 2017)
- Regulation on issuers (updated in November 2016)
- Regulation on issuers – Annex 5 (Proxies to vote)
- The Corporate Governance Code for listed companies (updated in 2015)
- Regulation on the Markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (updated on 15 December 2016)
- Instructions concerning the Regulation on the Markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (updated on 15 December 2016)
- EU Regulation no. 596/2014 (Market Abuse)
- Regulation establishing rules for setting out the professionalism and integrity standards of the members of the board of auditors of listed companies to be issued on the basis of article 148 of legislative decree of 24 February 1998, no. 58
- Regulation on transactions with related parties (Resolution of Consob [no.] 17221 of 12 March 2010)
- Regulation on Markets (updated in June 2012)
- Communication of Consob no. 0061330 of 1 July 2016 ([on] Market abuse)
- Resolution of Consob no. 19856 of 31 January 2017 - Publication of the participation fee required for the submission of lists of candidates for the election of the management and governing bodies
- Francesco Dagnino - A New Shareholder Association to Improve the Governance of Italian Listed SMEs, Oxford Business Law Blog, 17 febbraio 2017
- The Corporate Governance Committee - “2016 Annual Report. 4th Report on the implementation of the Corporate Governance Code"
- Consob – "2015 Report on corporate governance of Italian listed companies"
- Assonime - "Corporate governance in Italy: self-regulation, remunerations and comply-or-explain (year 2016)”